Mod Introduction: FestiveFerret

Mod introduction: FestiveFerret!

The applications for our Winteriron Zine are still open.


I’m three ferrets in a trenchcoat.

I love volunteering for things and trying new events, fanwork types, and community spaces. All the rest of my time is filled with writing fic!

Why do you love WinterIron?
Love pretty boys with lots of trauma falling in love with each other! Hurt/comfort is my most favourite thing and they both embody h/c from head to toe.

There’s something extra special about being able to hold your amazing creations actually in your hand instead of just online. And it’s even more special when it’s part of a collection of other incredible pieces. Winteriron is in need of a zine and you do not want to miss out!
AO3/tumblr/twitter: @FestiveFerret, website:

For updates, join our mailing list here on our website, or follow us on social media (tumblr and twitter) at @reforgedzine

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